Friday, June 20, 2014

Is this Clarice? Why, hello Clarice...

Let me introduce our Russian Blue - Hannah:

Sugar wouldn't melt in her mouth (I never quite understood that expression... but, you know what I mean).

Once upon a time, Hannah was enjoying her life with my husband and me as an "only-kitty." (We had another cat, Maggie, who died a couple of years ago under suspicious circumstances.  We're not sure about this, but all trails lead back to Hannah - the last to see her alive...)

Then one day this past December - at the height of snow and cold - I looked out our window and saw a little Calico grooming herself on a snowdrift.  After spotting her for a few days - (I knew she was a "her" because ALL Calicos are females) - I realized she didn't have a home so, of course, we took her in.

Here's Calleigh, the Calico:

The plot now thickens, as they say...

Hannah immediately HATED Calleigh and tried to kill her every chance she had!  (Again, I wish we did an autopsy on poor Maggie before we had her cremated...)

Every day for five months I vacuumed up tufts of grey, white, orange and black fur off the floors and furniture.  Fur was literally flying and I thought it would never end.  Why, just last month they attacked each other on our bed. Unfortunately I was STILL in the bed at the time...

Later that day, after washing our blood-soaked sheets, I decided to vent my anger in a constructive way. (Lucky for them I'm a graphic designer and have Photoshop on my computer.  Lucky for them I'm not a taxidermist by trade...)

Since I felt like I was in the movie, "The Silence of the Lambs"...

I created this:


But then a miracle happened last week!  We had to take the cats to the Vet to have their nails clipped (salons won't see them).  When the cats saw the dreaded "cat carriers", they huddled TOGETHER and stared at us in fear and anger.  And suddenly we saw a light bulb go off over their heads...

They realized it was THEM against US!

"But the face on the pillow, rosy in the firelight, is certainly that of Clarice Starling, and she sleeps deeply, sweetly... in the silence of the lambs."

Yes... it's them against us...

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